Wednesday 29 February 2012

Beauty Myths

Experts say that the following myths are pure fiction. As usual, however, opinions are divided.

Myth: Soap is not good for your skin

Fact: The oldest formulas of composition, added fats and vegetable oils. Today's soaps are specially designed to be very gentle on the skin and some of them contain moisturizing agents and humectants that do not allow to dry skin. A clear skin is healthier than dirty skin.

Counterargument: Also in case of skin problems, it is even shown an antibacterial soap will help remove germs that cause pimples.

Myth: Antiperspirants can cause cancer

Fact: This theory can find it on numerous sites on the internet, but so far no clear evidence to link between antiperspirants and breast cancer.

Counterargument: These can cause more than a skin irritation or mild inflammation of the lymph, if used every time.

Myth: Drinking water makes your skin more beautiful

Fact: Water is indicated for the health of our body, 6 glasses of water per day is sufficient for hydration.

Counterargument: If you drink 10 that does not mean your skin will be brighter, but if you drink only two glasses per day, the skin will be dehydrated and aging will begin to show!

Myth: split hair can be "repaired"

Fact: The only way to get rid of them is to trim them and prevent further degradation of hair, giving him the necessary care.

Myth: Dry skin causes wrinkles

Fact: Wrinkles are caused by aging. After 35 years, we recommed daily use for prevention of wrinkle creams, in addition to dehydration leads to an unpleasant aspect of the skin, but do not cause dehydration!

Counterargument: Most wrinkles are caused by the sun.

Myth: Acne can be removed by sun

Fact: By rubbing the affected area will not only manage to increase the secretion of sebum, while aggravating the acne. The sun may temporarily dry out pimples, but more serious situation can return after a few days after sun exposure.

Counterargument: Acne, depending on the type and time gravity is treated by specialists, and they specifically prohibit the consumption of chocolate and fat, leading to additional production of sebum.

Myth: To natural ingredients you are not allergic

Fact: No matter if the ingredient is natural or artificial, if you are allergic to it, you'll see the reaction immediately.

Counterargument: Depending on the body, some people are allergic. Not everything that contains natural ingredients is suitable for your skin. It is advisable, if you have had allergic reactions, to try the product first on the outside of your hand, in 3 hours and if you do not see any change, you can use safely for face.